
Ready for success?

Did you know?

80% of New Year’s resolutions fail by Valentines Day!

Here are 9 tips for making New Year Resolutions stick!

Limit Your Resolutions

Focus on one goal at a time. Achieving even a small goal can boost your belief in yourself! Break large goals into smaller goals to make them more attainable.

Put Time into Planning

Make a detailed plan. Write a short written plan to help you stick to your goal with logical tactics to face challenges along the way and help you to stay on track.

Start with Small Steps

Small steps lead to success! It takes small steps to change behaviors, and small wins along the way lead to long-term success.

Avoid Repeating Past Failures

If you’ve tried it before, change something! If you attempted a goal in the past and were not successful, evaluate what got in the way and change your plan.

Be Patient with Yourself

Remember, change is a process. Understand working towards your resolution will be a process, so even if you have a misstep or two, you can always restart and continue your journey.

Get Support

Tell others about your resolution. Explain your goals to close friends or family and ask them to help you achieve your objectives and stay accountable.

Renew Your Motivation

The beginning is the easiest. After the first few days or weeks of working towards your New Year’s resolution have passed, keep reminding yourself why you were so motivated at the start that goal in the first place.

Keep Working on Your Goals

Keep a resolution journal. Write down your successes and struggles as they come up & remind yourself why you are working towards this goal.

Learn and Adapt

Take advantage of setbacks! Setbacks are one of the most common reasons why people give up on New Year’s Resolutions. A path towards your goal is not always a straight line, so as you learn along the way, adjust your plan and don’t give up.

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